Woah 1700 people actually voted

So I counted the wrong numbers last time I announced how many people voted. 1100 actually voted for Best Blog but in total 1700 people (minus the spammers) registered and voted for various blogs. I’m quite blown away by this result. Blogs may not have hit the mainstream yet but that’s an impressive figure nonetheless. Wonder how many people we’ll see voting next year?


  1. Very impressive number and Great work getting Microsoft to sponsor the room.

  2. Query says:

    Well done. Will you make the votes public or whats the story?

  3. Damien says:

    No. You got a name anonymous?

  4. Rick O'Shea says:

    Hey all, details on my blog if anyone fancies being on the Fanning show on Thursday night to talk about the awards and Irish blogging in general!
