1000 people have voted so far

Thank you to the 1000 people that have voted so far. I will be sending out an email this weekend to thank those that have voted and letting them know that one of them will be the winner of an O2 i-mode mobile phone. This mailshot will also be a way of verifying email addresses. If any emails bounce then their vote will be removed from the database. Only fair I think.

On Monday I will announce the short list and I will also announce the winner of the first phone.

In the meantime please encourage the last few people who you haven’t begged and pleaded with to vote.


  1. Sharon. says:

    Adam wrote – “…phone for your troubles), anddo your best to get along to the event itself on the 12th of March and show some support for Irish bloggers… ”
    – ….you mean the 11th March (I hope!) : was going to ring you and ask that you correct the date , but I don’t have a mobile phone . Yet .

    Sharon .


  1. Adam Maguire’s Blog » Irish Blog Awards records 1000 votes
  2. The Community At Large » 1,000 Voters for the Irish Blog Awards