That’s right. 3 days of voting left and we’ve logged 1100 votes so far. If the voting patterns do not change as the week goes on then I think we’re in for some major shocks. Phone a friend, talk to the local media, leaflet your neighbourhood, guerilla market, but get the public out to vote for you. But remember one vote per person!
The Limerick Chronicle has covered some of the local chancers and me!
Well its was nice to get on the long list anyway … good luck to everyone…
1100 people have voted so far or 11000?
I’m getting a lot of people telling me they have already voted/nominated. I don’t think they realize/understand why there are two rounds. Maybe that’s why there hasn’t been many votes?
Yaargh! Sorry to change the subject, but what a time to be having techie issues!!
I’m using blogger, and page elements like the won’t display in IE.. but everything looks fine in Mozilla… kind of makes things the yoke look crappy(er) for IE users!
Can anyone offer any advice?
Please ignore previous comment. All fixed now and you’ll be unsurprised to hear it was a ‘user education’ problem…
The sooner everybody stops using IE and downloads the free and entirely beautiful Firefox the better.
1100 voters. Hmmm, out of curiosity, how many people will the hall hold? Can we book tickets?
This time last year, how many people had voted?
Omaniblog would be astonished if “From Bath to Cork with Baby Grace” made it through to the next stage. Actually “Major Shock” would be more apt.
If there is going to be a “major shock”, that doesn’t mean Omaniblog will get through, does it?
Logic was what they did in the other class…
One man a few hours of voting left. Please help me rigg the Irish Blog Awards vote.
and vote
Best Newcomer