Irish Blog Awards – Add the button

Irish Blog Awards Button

The url for the button is here:

Thanks to Dermod for the button


  1. Fiona says:

    I am useless. How do I put this in the sidebar to my blog?
    Thank you…sorry for uselessness, but you’ll all get used to it soon enough

  2. Fiona says:

    I figured it out!! Minor miricle….

  3. that girl says:

    um, I haven’t – can you enlighten me? (guess who’s not nominated in the best “tech” section!).

  4. Fiona says:

    I did this. I guessed by looking at how the Irish Blogs button was done but it seems to work

  5. Dermod Moore says:

    Credit where credit is due: I made the gif with the transparent background from the jpg I found at Donncha O’Caoimh’s blog.