Help Wanted – Few things needed

If anyone can help out with the following I’d appreciate it.
1) Laptop for the event
2) Overhead Projector. (I might change my mind about using it at last min)
3) Sound expert (if we need a soundsystem to be rigged up).
4) Someone willing to set up podcasting for the event.
5) Anyone willing to put together an E-Book containing excerpts from the blogs of those that are shortlisted.
6) Anyone that is into marketing and wants to give away wine to bloggers. *cough* 🙂 Worth a try!
Edited to add:
7) Cheesecake.

I may add more to this list as I go on.


  1. that girl says:

    I’m assuming it’s an LCD projector, not an overhead projector? If so, I can lend you mine?

  2. Damien says:

    Uhm, yes, one of them!

  3. that girl says:

    Email me directly Damien and we can talk terms 😉

  4. the saint says:

    You have a thing for cheesecake don’t you.


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