Archive for the ‘New Blogs’ Category

New Blogs on the Block October 22nd 2007

Monday, October 22nd, 2007

The Red Scrapbook. Scribbles & pictures from an irish lady abroad

Katherine Kenny’s photo blog.

Midlands Craft Club. Blurb: “We are a group of card makers and scrapbookers who live in the Irish Midlands”

New Blogs on the Block – October 15th 2007

Monday, October 15th, 2007

On Target – Target shooting training blog.

The Cellar Door is Open. Travel blog from an Irishman in Oz.

The My Celtic Cottage blog.

More new blogs next week, worry not if you left a comment asking for a link. I just added you to the queue. 🙂

New Blogs On the Block – October 8th 2007

Monday, October 8th, 2007

Eat Drink Live – Another Irish foodie blog. Do not read on an empty stomach!

The Loy – Luke Clancy’s blog.

Two wheels on my wagon. Great blog from Catherine.

Writing for Life – Calvin Jones’ blog.

New Blogs on the Block – October 1st 2007

Monday, October 1st, 2007

Sailing to Byzantium.

Jules’ blog.

Gerard O’Neill’s blog. Gerard is an economist and a director of market research agency Amárach Consulting.

New Blogs on the Block – September 10th 2007

Monday, September 10th, 2007

Ed’s Cork’s Daily Snap, photoblog.

Ian’s Journey By Starlight.

Cormac Moylan’s blog about anything and almost everything and his MacBlogger blog too.

One for the Road, a blog about things and stuff and things that are not necessarily stuff but if you glance quickly enough, it might appear to be stuff. Kinda.