Blog Awards moving to Alexander Hotel

Same battime: March 11th, 7pm
Different batchannel: Alexander Hotel Dublin

Alexander Hotel

The reason for moving location is that I’m predicting about 150 people are going to this now and Buswells can’t hold that many people. I still need you to go and register your attendance here so I can plan for who is going and that I can enter you into the draws for spot prizes on the night which include vouchers, t-shirts, bottles of wine and o2 i-mode phones.


  1. Sharon. says:

    As stated , myself and/or John will attend the function – provided you keep one of the bottles of wine for us . We will need that (at least!) as , ONCE AGAIN , we sit in the audience and watch others approach the ‘top table’ to collect their Award .
    We will then ‘bottle’ one of you award winners with the empty wine container and steal your award for our mantlepiece .
    You have been warned …..

    Sharon .

  2. Cloud says:

    Haha – excellent! I’m staying one or two streets away…

  3. Karen says:

    I registered even though I’m not nominated. I’m bringing a guest too (my friend doesn’t know yet, but she’s coming). Eeek and now I have to walk into a room full of people whom I imagine all know each other and will be whispering and pointing “who’s yer wan in the corner” at me all night. Knowing my luck the first person I’ll bump into will be Twenty Major who’ll curse at me! Am looking forward to the night though, well done Damien for organising it!

  4. Sarah says:

    Karen, it will be the opposite! None of us know in each other in “meatspace” so it’s more like a massive blind date.

  5. JL Pagano says:

    Just throwin this out there – the Ireland v Scotland rugby match is at 3:30 that afternoon – anyone going to the awards who would want to watch the game in the hotel beforehand?

  6. Rick O'Shea says:

    All true. I don’t even know what Damien looks like and he’s hired me for the night! 🙂

    Am really thrilled that so many are making the effort to come – I’d originally envisioned me standing on a table in front of an audience of 6, 5 of which blogging furiously into their laptops…

    At least now it will be 156, 155 of which will be blogging furiously…


  7. Anthony says:

    I only know one other person from the real world going so I think most people will be in the same boat.

    BTW Rick, here’s a pic so you can recognise him. 🙂

  8. Damien says:

    Git. My eyebrows are normally nearer my eyes. Bernie took that pic mid-rant.

  9. Anthony says:

    You should also apportion so blame to Google, Damien. It’s the only image they have listed.

  10. Gavin Byrne says:

    I shall be along as well. I met a good few of you at TechCamp.. where that photo of Damien was taken actually.

  11. Dermod Moore says:

    @Sarah: LOL re “meatspace” !!!

    I’m going to be there too that weekend and won’t know a soul either so please say hello! Should we have ENORMOUS name badges with our blog name and our real name underneath?


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