Apart from one or two exceptions we have not removed any sites from any of the nomination lists even if they are obviously not right for some of the categories they’re in. This is what the public decided and how they nominated. In round 2 of judging sites that do not fit the category they were nominated in will find themselves removed.
An SuĂomh Gaeilge is Fear, Best Practice, Best Irish Facebook App and Social Media Campaign will be listed in the next few days.
Here are the nominated sites, congrats if you were nominated. Why not thank the sponsors for their help up to now and maybe also congratulate those also nominated in your category.
*(If you have nominated a site and did not get a confirmation email, please check your spam filters for emails from awards.ie)
Headline Sponsor – Realex Payments
Best Online Publication – sponsored by Maximise
- http://irishtimes.com
- http://someblindalleys.com
- http://mag.diddlyi.com
- http://drop-d.ie
- http://siliconrepublic.com
- http://iheartau.com
- http://roadcrewcomic.com
- http://state.ie
- http://writing4all.ie
- http://independent.ie
- http://mixtape.ie
- http://musicreviewunsigned.com
- http://extratime.ie
- http://roisindubh.info
- http://spaceavalanche.com
- http://irishcraftbrewer.com
- http://ProductFul.com
- http://jumbletown.ie
- http://mytown.ie
- http://lecool.com/cities/dublin
- http://flyinginireland.com
- http://lifes2good.ie
- http://shoryuken.ie
- http://sugahfix.com
- http://ireland.ie
- http://like.hearts.swelling.googlepages.com
- http://belfasttelegraph.co.uk
- http://somebindalleys.com
- http://irishexaminer.com
- http://peoplelovepresents.com
- http://goracing.ie
- http://leemunroe.com
- http://movies.ie
- http://universityobserver.ie
- http://zetechcollege.com
- http://airportparkingsite.ie
- http://eachtra.ie/index.php/journal
Best Radio Website – sponsored by IGOPeople
- http://powerfm.org
- http://newstalk.ie
- http://todayfm.com
- http://phantomfm.ie
- http://rte.ie
- http://rte.ie/radio1/doconone
- http://98fm.ie
- http://radioireland.rokz.biz
- http://rte.ie/morningireland
- http://bbc.co.uk/radioulster
- http://mixtape.ie
- http://phantom.ie
- http://rte.ie/radio
- http://4fm.ie
- http://fm104.ie
- http://redfm.ie
- http://rte.ie/lyricfm
- http://96fm.ie
- http://i102104.ie
- http://dublins98.com
- http://i105107.ie
- http://raidiofailte.com
- http://rte.ie/2fm
Best Podcaster – sponsored by 3 Ireland
- http://panicdots.com
- http://mixtape.ie
- http://davysims.com/category/podcast
- http://likeheartsswelling.com
- http://thecomiccast.com
- http://chopshop.fm
- http://devioustheatre.com
- http://audio.todayfm.com/rayfoley.xml
- http://playlistmix.com
- http://kenmc.com
- http://podcasts.boards.ie
- http://michaelhanley.ie/otherpodcasts
- http://davysims.co.uk
- http://ViewFromTheQuad.com
- http://nialler9.com
- http://hostelworld.com/podcasts/listpodcasts.php
- http://persuadersonline.com
- http://theskepticsguide.org
- http://thepersuaders.libsyn.com
- http://rte.ie
- http://briangreene.com
- http://rte.ie/radio1/podcast/podcast_morningireland.xml
Best Videocaster – Sponsored by Irish Mortgage Brokers
- http://mixtape.ie
- http://vulturespi.com
- http://lookandtaste.com
- http://youtube.com/likeheartsswelling
- http://bandwidthfilms.com
- http://carlow-nationalist.ie/Media.aspx
- http://niallh.com
- http://youtube.com/user/likeheartsswelling
- http://mikekellytv.com
- http://blog4business.com
- http://SwitchNewMedia.com
- http://hostelworld.com/videos/travel/city-guides
- http://digitalmarketingschool.ie
- http://youtube.com/moviesireland
- http://qik.com/topgold
- http://yournight.ie
- http://channelship.ie
Best Sports Site – sponsored by ArgusCarHire.com
- http://extratime.ie
- http://backpagefootball.com
- http://soccerrepublic.ie
- http://irishtabletennis.com
- http://munsterfans.com
- http://bluedemonsbc.com
- http://racingpost.com
- http://rte.ie/sport
- http://kerrygaa.ie
- http://carlow-nationalist.ie/Sport.aspx
- http://athleticsireland.ie
- http://thewonderfulworldofjoe.com/blog
- http://cavansportspartnership.ie
- http://womeninsport.ie
- http://goracing.ie
- http://sportbo.com
- http://tri-line.ie
- http://outdoorsireland.com
- http://almostdailysports.blogspot.com
- http://hoganstand.com
- http://mcsport.ie
- http://newmarketgaa.com
- http://eastcorkgaa.com
- http://druidsglen.ie
- http://eleven-a-side.com
Best Music Site – sponsored by Poll Daddy
- http://drop-d.ie
- http://state.ie
- http://roisindubh.info
- http://nialler9.com
- http://kilkennymusic.com
- http://Muzu.tv
- http://thumped.com
- http://cluas.com
- http://downloadmusic.ie
- http://musicreviewunsigned.com
- http://panicdots.com
- http://irishtimes.com/blogs/ontherecord
- http://guesslist.com
- http://dmi.com
- http://johnconneely.com
- http://metalireland.com
- http://goldenplec.com
- http://fredtheband.com
- http://umusic.ie
- http://archive.comhaltas.ie
- http://comhaltas.ie
- http://aliasempire.com
- http://heinekenmusic.ie
- http://haidooo.wordpress.com
- http://music.eircom.net
- http://sharoncorr.com
Best Entertainment Website – sponsored by Radical
- http://entertainment.ie
- http://spaceavalanche.com
- http://culch.ie
- http://movies.ie
- http://rte.ie
- http://dayout.ie
- http://corkmedia.net
- http://diddlyi.com
- http://sugahfix.com
- http://rte.ie/player
- http://corkgigs.com
- http://mixtape.ie
- http://roadcrewcomic.com
- http://PHONiC.ie
- http://whoseview.com
- http://bodytonicmusic.com
- http://tv3.ie
- http://orb-store.com/studio
- http://kilkennyarts.ie
- http://trickaduu.com
- http://thecoffeyfilter.com
- http://totallydublin.ie
- http://thestylebitches.com
- http://mytown.ie
- http://rehabbingo.com
Best Technology Site – Sponsored by BH Consulting
- http://siliconrepublic.com
- http://searchfindlearn.com
- http://irishdev.com
- http://we2ireland.org
- http://weezzi.com
- http://MovieExtras.ie
- http://amit.ie
- http://insideview.ie
- http://resources-maynooth.ie
- http://venntertainment.com
- http://laughingliondesign.net
- http://contrast.ie
- http://5pieces.com
- http://inspirenano.com
- http://nitechblog.com
- http://kenmc.com
Best New Web Application/Service – Sponsored by Red Cardinal
- http://countmeout.ie
- http://simpleassemblymehole.com
- http://picomarks.com/
- http://widgets.eircom.net
- http://short.ie
- http://whoseview.com
- http://weddingdates.ie
- http://1timetracking.com
- http://yourpinpoints.com
- http://swiftaccounts.ie
- http://mytown.ie
- http://archive.comhaltas.ie
- http://teamworkpm.net
- http://api.loudervoice.com
- http://locle.com
- http://business.loudervoice.com/widget-demo-manager
- http://healthcarebookings.com
- http://countmeout.com
- http://eazybusiness.com
- http://tourtripper.com
- http://digitalmarketingschool.ie
- http://curbl.com
- http://autoleasing.ie
- http://lookaly.com
- http://weezzi.com
- http://kildarestreet.com
- http://collab.ie
- http://beautifuljobs.ie
- http://rte.ie/player
- http://vidschool.com
- http://mywheels.ie
- http://nextbus.ie
- http://dublinhouses.ie
- http://talkirish.com/about.aspx
- http://interleado.com
- http://useqwitter.com
- http://e-Tender.ie
- http://agtweet.com
- http://whothetweet.com
- http://gradpool.ie
- http://peoplelovepresents.com
Most Innovative Website – Sponsored by iQ content
- http://ProductFul.com
- http://decisionsforheroes.com
- http://countmeout.ie
- http://dayout.ie
- http://kildarestreet.com
- http://mytown.ie
- http://micksgarage.ie
- http://weezzi.com
- http://MovieExtras.ie
- http://rte.ie/2fm
- http://peoplelovepresents.com
- http://useqwitter.com
- http://niftynosh.com
- http://simpleassemblymehole.com
- http://toddle.com
- http://sponsorlee.org
- http://finetuna.com
- http://vidschool.com
- http://childline.ie
- http://kilkennyarts.ie
- http://mixtape.ie
- http://digitalmarketingschool.ie
- http://outdoorsireland.com
- http://tourtripper.com
- http://talkirish.com/about.aspx
- http://mediacontact.ie
- http://e-Tender.ie
Best Discussion forum – sponsored by KRO IT Solutions
- http://boards.ie
- http://thumped.com
- http://irishcraftbrewer.com
- http://irishbusinesswomen.com
- http://cavancommunity.ie
- http://talkshop.ie
- http://peoplesrepublicofcork.com
- http://irishracing.com
- http://forum.electricpicnic.ie
- http://Queerid.com
- http://talkirish.com/forums
- http://flyinginireland.com/forum
- http://fastfude.org
- http://photographyireland.net
- http://bodytonicmusic.com
- http://magicmum.com
- http://askaboutmoney.com
- http://irishbikerforum.com
- http://shine.net/forum
- http://octane.ie
- http://irishwebmasterforum.com
- http://roisindubh.info
- http://rollercoaster.ie
- http://thepropertypin.com
- http://creativeireland.com/forums
- http://eumom.com
- http://mumstown.ie
- http://p45.net
- http://www.politics.ie
Best Government and Council Website – Available to sponsor
- http://motortax.ie
- http://jumbletown.ie
- http://revenue.ie
- http://dublincity.ie
- http://cavancoco.ie
- http://americas.enterprise-ireland.com
- http://ifco.ie
- http://aldp.ie
- http://weigh2live.eu
- http://rdf.ie
- http://citizensinformation.ie
- http://rpii.ie
- http://welfare.ie
- http://eumatters.ie
- http://dcenr.ie
- http://lyit.ie
- http://kilkennycoco.ie/eng
- http://idaireland.com
- http://discovercraigavon.com
- http://lookwest.ie
- http://dublincitycycling.ie
- http://dublin.ie
Best Education and Third Level Website – sponsored by National Digital Research Centre
- http://communitylinks.ie
- http://ucc.ie
- http://searchfindlearn.com
- http://talkirish.com
- http://digitalmarketingschool.ie
- http://eurolanguages.com
- http://trbdi.ie
- http://askaboutireland.ie
- http://studententerprise.ie
- http://ul.ie
- http://antibullyingcampaign.ie
- http://songschool.ie
- http://qub.ac.uk
- http://skoool.ie
- http://access.nuim.ie
- http://itsligo.ie
- http://elearningcurve.blogspot.com
- http://weigh2live.eu
- http://taoiseach.gov.ie
- http://anseo.net
- http://dit.ie
- http://bankers.ie
- http://ahead.ie
- http://sccenglish.ie
- http://rcni.ie
- http://tcd.ie
- http://gesci.org
- http://sciencegallery.ie
- http://cit.ie
- http://ncad.ie
- http://ncirl.ie
Best eCommerce / Services Website – sponsored by Cybercom
- http://lifes2good.ie
- http://puddleducks.ie
- http://airportparkingsite.ie
- http://curiouswines.ie
- http://galwaygirl.com
- http://blacknight.com
- http://harmonydesignstudio.ie
- http://mcsport.ie
- http://DubrovnikApartmentSource.com
- http://recruitireland.com
- http://organicsupermarket.ie
- http://weezzi.com
- http://dublinenespanol.com
- http://farelii.com
- http://celticcampervans.com
- http://expansys.ie
- http://curioustales.com
- http://taxback.com
- http://tots2teens.ie
- http://aib.ie
- http://hairybaby.com
- http://fbd.ie
- http://adverts.ie
- http://dediserve.com
- http://instore.ie
- http://toddle.com
- http://blueface.ie
- http://niftynosh.com
- http://hostelworld.com
- http://sheepstealers.ie
- http://babyelephant.ie
- http://lighthousecinema.ie
- http://teamworkpm.net
- http://giftslikethese.com
- http://mabelandviolet.com
- http://vidschool.com
- http://MovieExtras.ie
- http://rehabbingo.com
- http://mcdonnells.ie
- http://komplett.ie
- http://dabs4work.ie
- http://litriocht.com/shop
- http://lastminute.ie
- http://myhome.ie
- http://micksgarage.ie
- http://e-Tender.ie
Most Beautiful Website in Ireland – Sponsored by Beaut.ie
- http://curioustales.com
- http://mixtape.ie
- http://thestylebitches.com
- http://appschool.ie
- http://organicsupermarket.ie
- http://thegoodmoodfoodblog.com
- http://sabadublin.com
- http://ailleriverhosteldoolin.ie
- http://rabodirect.ie
- http://rte.ie/morningireland
- http://5pieces.com
- http://dublinenespanol.com/en
- http://plan.ie
- http://11890.ie
- http://curiouswines.ie
- http://archietemplar.com/home.html
- http://saileandsabga.net
- http://finetuna.com
- http://roseproject.org
- http://weezzi.com
- http://avocado.ie
- http://leemunroe.com
- http://irishweddingmakeup.com
- http://toddle.com
- http://danceireland.ie
- http://bridmoynahan.com
- http://mcdonalds.ie
- http://lighthousecinema.ie
- http://pix.ie
- http://svp.ie
- http://mabelandviolet.com
- http://vidschool.com
- http://sxoop.com/twitter
- http://nch.ie
- http://fhr.ie
- http://feelgoodhampers.com
- http://rcni.ie
- http://nathalie.ie
- http://weddingdates.ie
- http://taoiseach.gov.ie
- http://whothetweet.com
- http://blanaid.com
- http://luxetheagency.com
Most Useful Website in Ireland – Sponsored by DoneDeal.ie
- http://jumbletown.ie
- http://irishtimes.com
- http://kildarestreet.com
- http://daft.ie
- http://pix.ie
- http://google.ie
- http://simpleassemblymehole.com
- http://menupages.ie
- http://thegoodmoodfoodblog.com
- http://rte.ie/morningireland
- http://entertainment.ie
- http://focloir.ie
- http://irishcraftbrewer.com
- http://e-Tender.ie
- http://rte.ie
- http://mytown.ie
- http://rpii.ie
- http://onlinetradesmen.com
- http://svp.ie
- http://cavancoco.ie
- http://lecunt.com
- http://weezzi.com
- http://gaire.com
- http://digitalmarketingschool.ie
- http://boards.ie
- http://nch.ie
- http://mycharity.ie
- http://lookaly.com
- http://tots2teens.ie
- http://irishblogs.ie
- http://giveblood.ie
- http://met.ie
- http://myhome.ie
- http://eircom.net
- http://countmeout.ie
- http://rcni.ie
- http://irishisptest.com
- http://vidschool.com
- http://peoplelovepresents.com
- http:///www.thestory.ie
- http://thriftypages.ie
- http://whatswhat.ie
- http://entertainment,ie
- http://dublinhouses.ie
- http://nialler9.com
Most Accessible Website – Sponsored by Insure.ie
- http://disabilityheroes.com
- http://countmeout.ie
- http://weezzi.com
- http://theabilityawards.com
- http://rehabrecycle.ie
- http://dcenr.ie
- http://rte.ie
- http://taoiseach.gov.ie
- http://cavancoco.ie
- http://adiarts.ie
- http://roseproject.org
Best Arts Website – Available to sponsor
- http://diddlyi.com
- http://someblindalleys.com
- http://writing4all.ie
- http://nch.ie
- http://someblindalleys
- http://danceireland.ie
- http://devioustheatre.com
- http://publicart.ie
- http://architecturalassociation.ie
- http://hughlane.ie
- http://orb-store.com/studio
- http://dublindancefestival.ie
- http://artspace.ie
- http://festivalofworldcultures.com
- http://irish-architecture.com
- http://paviliontheatre.ie
- http://heritagecouncil.ie
- http://entertainment.ie
- http://weezzi.com
- http://abbeytheatre.ie
- http://ark.ie
- http://twelvedoors.com
- http://corkmidsummer.com/2009
- http://dublintheatrefestival.com
- http://someblindalley.com
- http://MovieExtras.ie
- http://wexfordopera.com
- http://fringefest.com
- http://movies.ie
- http://kilkennyarts.ie
- http://belfastfestival.com
- http://adiarts.ie
- http://breakingtunes.com
- http://comhaltas.ie
- http://darklight.ie
- http://panicdots.com
- http://jdiff.com
- http://museum.ie
- http://poetryireland.ie
- http://roadcrewcomic.com
- http://dublinwritersfestival.com
- http://culch.ie
- http://singularity.ie
- http://culturenight.ie
- http://imoca.ie
- http://artlinks.ie
- http://obheal.ie
- http://architecturefoundation.ie
[...] to all those nominated in the Podcast category of the Irish Web Awards. Sadly no-one thought to nominate The Rosie View even though I did suggest it very strongly. And yes [...]
Wow. I didn’t even think Culch might be eligible so thanks to whoever nominated us!!
[...] it turns out, we are. Why? Well let me tell you… the early nominations for the Realex Irish Web Awards are just [...]
[...] We are absolutely delighted with the nomination and honored to be amongst some great web applications and services – the full list of nominees can be found here [...]
Thank you very much to who ever nominated the Chop Shop Podcast
[...] for some reason, someone or some people have nominated our little corner of the Irish web for an Irish Web Award under the category of “Best Online [...]
[...] For a full list of the nominees visit >here<! [...]
What a really nice surprise, many thanks to the person(s) who nominated Tourtripper.com. It really means a lot after many many months of dedication and hard work.
We are absolutely delighted to have received a nomination, let alone for two categories. We are among esteemed nominees and it’s great reward for the team here. Thank you also to the sponsors without whom, I guess, there would be no awards!
Total shock too be nominated, but whoever did, Thanks!
how lovely , nominated in best arts category…*blush*
Delighted to be nominated for Best Tech website. Many thanks to whoever was nice enough to nominate us
Our WhoTheTweet.com nominated. That’s so cool! Big Thanks to sponsors!
Congrats to the guys at tourtripper.com, I know how long and how hard you’ve worked to build and create a website that you truly believed in, well done, im so proud of you! well done to all those in the same categories also.
many thanks to our nominator…we are humbled and honoured!
Congrats to Stephen and the team at celticcampervans.com in particular and to all others that work hard at what they believe in